Where That Day Begins
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> At 7:00 AM Eastern Standard Time today (03/29/06), an unusual total
> solar eclipse will happen in Turkey at 2:00 PM (their time) that will
> darken the skies of the ancient cities where the 7 Churches of Christ
> reside in the same order as given **twice** in Revelation (1:11 and
> then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar eclipse apparently
> happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD, which is the year that
> Jerusalem was destroyed. This upcoming total solar eclipse today could
> very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in the prophetic
> vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in the 12th verse
> of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" is linked to this solar eclipse
> visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12.
Chung. You have a very worrying ignorance of some very simple, basic
science for somebody that claims they are a qualified medical
Actually, let me put it more bluntly, Chung: You have just exposed
yourself as a fraud and a liar.