Sheryl Rosen wrote:
> in article , jmcquown at
> wrote on 3/26/04 7:52 PM:
>> Sheryl Rosen wrote:
>>> in article , Steve Wertz at
>>> lid wrote on 3/25/04 11:15 PM:
>>>> I would have mentioned dfw.eats, butI'm sure Jill wants to post
>>>> HERE, and not someplace else.
>>>> -sw
Who still hasn't realized I've killfiled him in all of his incarnations.
>>> Yeah, either here or the cats ng.
>>> Better them, I guess.
Got some great directions from Liz, thanks.
>>> I'm guessing this isn't Ray she's visiting. She's being unusually
>>> cryptic, for her. Maybe she's learned something?????
>> And you're just dying to know, aren't you? LOL
> Most people's worlds, including mine, do not revolve around you and
> your pathetic life in front of the computer screen.
> But it's nice to see that you'll actually be interacting with someone
> in person. Good For You!
Heh, I interact more than you know.
>> At any rate, if when I return I choose to post about good meals at
>> good restaurants or bad meals at bad restaurants, it is my
>> perogative. Seems like folks like you, and Barb and many others do
>> the same all the time.
> Hello? That's what this newsgroup is for.
> Don't tell me you're bitching about people posting ON topic!!!
Was I bitching? No, I was responding to the squirtz need to criticize my
posting about restaurants.
> You are a piece of work, Jill. Really.
> Anyway, do have a safe trip. (Seriously. I may not like you very much
> but I certainly don't wish you any harm).
Thank you. It will be a very nice trip. Persia will be seriously upset
with me for boarding her, but there is nothing else I can do.