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Curly Sue
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Default wait staff rudeness

On Sun, 05 Oct 2003 06:04:26 GMT, Julia Altshuler
> wrote:

>It happened again tonight. We ate the first part of our meal in
>relative silence since we don't like to talk much as we eat. As we were
>slowing down, we started talking more. Only when we're in the middle of
>spirited conversation does the waiter or waitress come over to interupt
>to ask if everything is alright. I have to take my attention away from
>my dining companions to pay attention to her to reassure her that
>everything is fine. (Or it was fine until I was interrupted.)
>I was a waitress. I'm trying to be sympathetic to someone who has a
>rough job, but it is getting harder. Is it my imagination, or is it
>rude to walk straight up to people in the middle of conversation to
>interrupt them with some trivial question? Surely if there were
>something wrong, wouldn't that be obvious by the fact that I was looking
>around for the server trying to catch their eye?

I agree with Steve and Jill. Unless you're dining in an exclusive
restaurant with a good waitperson/customer ratio, you shouldn't expect
exclusive, mind-reading service. Other people don't consider "Is
everything fine?" a trivial question and would be irritated to have to
flag down someone when they want something. I've found that it's more
distracting to conversation to have everyone at the table splitting
their attention trying to catch a busy server's eye, than it is to ask
for water when they stop at the table.

>Is there a solution? May I explain that I'm in the middle of a
>conversation and don't wish to be interrupted? Would that do any good?

There's no reason why you can't. I'm sure the waiter has heard
various requests and won't bat an eye. Just don't get irritated if
they don't stop back until the end of the meal!

Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!