Healthy recipes post bypass operation?
"Bob (this one)" > wrote in
> MurphAssoc wrote:
>> Hello,
>> First let me say I have found so many wonderful recipes over the
>> years, that this is the first place I turned to to find out from all
>> the knowledgeable folks who post here, the best source for heart
>> healthy recipes? Thanks, in advance,
>> Judith
> How post-operation are we talking? If it's not long after, you'll want
> a lot of protein so your body can repair itself. After a serious
> trauma, protein is the most important macronutrient, and a bypass is a
> most serious trauma, indeed. Mine was.
> Pastorio
Bob, my SO is having triple bypass surgery later next week. Not personally
knowing anyone who has undergone such surgery, can you give us any
progression of recovery stages that he might expect? He is 55.