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Default wait staff rudeness

On Sun, 05 Oct 2003 06:31:27 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:

>Julia Altshuler > wrote in
>> It happened again tonight. We ate the first part of our meal in
>> relative silence since we don't like to talk much as we eat. As we
>> were slowing down, we started talking more. Only when we're in the
>> middle of spirited conversation does the waiter or waitress come over
>> to interupt to ask if everything is alright. I have to take my
>> attention away from my dining companions to pay attention to her to
>> reassure her that everything is fine. (Or it was fine until I was
>> interrupted.)

>You won't change their habits, but you might change their immediate
>behavior by telling the waitperson (as you are being served) that you'd
>rather not be disturbed while eating, and that you'll let them know if
>you need anything during the meal.

Waay too reasonable for rfc. :-) I don't remember any waitress
"training" when I served, but I'm sure some establishments
suggest/require that waiters regularly visit tables with those chirpy
inquiries. There's also the difficulty of judging which patrons prefer
upscale service (no queries; no "my name is Pat and I'll be..."; just
noticing when something is required and supplying it, and which are
used to the chirpy, chain-restaurant "friendly" style which makes some
feel they're being neglected if no one stops by to inquire.

Maybe, in the absence of well-trained waitstaff alert for the
slightest glance in their direction, restaurants could develop a
signal mechanism -- "if you need anything, put up this flag or secure
a napkin to the edge of the table." :-)