alton brown smoker
D. Winsor wrote:
> "Matthew L. Martin" > wrote in message
> ...
>> As far as I can see, you are the hostile troll. But I'd bet that
>> information is no surprise to you. How many newsgroups are you being your
>> own man on?
> Well, that's probably because some of your buddies are being taken to task
> for their obnoxious behaviour to newbies. I think you'll find I've been on
> this group quite a while and have made hardly a peep. I am just a wee bit
> sick of watching newbies chased away as too stunned to speak amongst and
> august half a dozen semi perment trolls.
Having been a newbie not that long ago, I don't recall any of the
behavior you describe. Then again, I didn't come into the newsgroup and
tell them what they were doing was wrong and that some other way was the
"one true way".
> Personally, I could care less if they shit well barked barbeque morning,
> noon and night.
Oddly enough, that _is_ the reason the newsgroup exists. People who know
how to do and are, by ample demonstration, willing to share techniques
and advice. How much BBQ advice have you posted here?
> They're just that same rude group of insecure macho-men
> that pop up in a lot of social situations. Well now, for a coupla days
> anyway, I'm gonna make time mouth off at them for a change.
You must have very little else to do if your goal is to mouth off at
invisible strangers.
> You'll find that in recent times, I'm a pretty quiet monitorer of the
> newsgroups, but these shitheads have ****ed me off for a while...
So you become hostile, argumentative and controlling. How interesting.
> I'm
> havin' a stressful week so who better than to return some aggression to than
> some anti-social, arrogant old farts who constantly pick on others.
You are clearly in need of professional help. Please seek same.
I'm a contractor. If you want an opinion I'll sell you one.
Which one do you want?