alton brown smoker
D. Winsor wrote:
> Well, that's probably because some of your buddies are being taken to task
> for their obnoxious behaviour to newbies. I think you'll find I've been on
> this group quite a while and have made hardly a peep. I am just a wee bit
> sick of watching newbies chased away as too stunned to speak amongst and
> august half a dozen semi perment trolls.
> Personally, I could care less if they shit well barked barbeque morning,
> noon and night. They're just that same rude group of insecure macho-men
> that pop up in a lot of social situations. Well now, for a coupla days
> anyway, I'm gonna make time mouth off at them for a change.
> You'll find that in recent times, I'm a pretty quiet monitorer of the
> newsgroups, but these shitheads have ****ed me off for a while... I'm
> havin' a stressful week so who better than to return some aggression to than
> some anti-social, arrogant old farts who constantly pick on others.
If you perchance are referring to my reply to someone (can't
recall who as I don't see posts from them any longer)
regarding top posting in the group. I still don't see where
I was obnoxious. I *politely* tried to explain the the idiot
(as he showed when he replied to my post) that top posting
isn't appreciated in this group and again, *politely* tried
to point out that many would not read his posts if that
behavior persisted.
I didn't flame him until he got obnoxious regarding my post
and then when the behavior didn't change I put him in my
killfile and haven't seen any further discussion, although
there may well have been some.
If you join any new group it's really not a good idea to try
and change accepted protocol just because you happen not to
like it/them. If you want/choose to be a member of any
group choose not to follow established norms of the group,
even after someone has tried to *politely* explain the
situation then *you* are the troll and deserve whatever
lambasting you get.
I suggest that you're targeting your hostility at the wrong