Gunpowder green
Most of you are probably familiar with the gunpowder green tea sold in
most Asian markets. Until recently, I didn't think much of it, and I
assumed its usual dirt cheap price tag was an example of getting what
one pays for. But several weeks ago, I gave it another try when nothing
else was available, and I have to change my opinion. It's a reasonably
pleasant brew *if* you pay attention to steeping time, i.e. no more
than one--possibly two--minutes. Also, I tend to like a rather strong
infusion, usually using two teaspoons/bags where "normal" people use
one. For gunpowder, one teaspoon is enough for pretty much anyone.
Pretty much any deviation from this results in the bitter, tanniny brew
that I--and others, I would imagine--associate with gunpowder. Thoughts?