Have we seen the last of Murray
>1 April 2006
>Mr. Fefferman escaped from a assisted living facility 4 months ago, before
>capture he was indicted for dry humping a 77 year old female, escape from
>custody, and intellectual theft and fraud(borrowing from Mel Brook's 1000
>year old man.)
>Jerry Falwell has arranged for one of his classes to determine what other
>laws the alleged salesman has broken.
Well, Mr. Fefferman must have forgotten one of the prime tenants of wine-
salesmanship - TERRITORY! If the alleged "dry humping" took place in a motel,
either in, or near Baton Rouge, well we all know that that is Rev. Flawell's
TERRITORY! If nothing else, a letter of reprimand should be placed in Mr
Fefferman's folder by HR.
Oy, all this and I haven't gotten my wine from him for Passover!
Thanks for the laugh and remember the cry, "Free Murray!"
P.S. I'm glad to see that the law enforcement officers have moved up to
trained ferrets. They used to rely on the indigenous ‘possums, but they can
hardly be counted on, when the going gets rough. Just when they were closing
in on some escaping miscreant, the hapless animals would fling themselves
beneath the wheels of a passing semi, and we all know how useless a "sail-
possum" is in tracking an escaping miscreant.
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