"Nexis" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> > wrote in message
> ...
>> We want to make cannoli next week for a party. I live in a small
>> town. Is mascarpone a hard-to-find ingredient? I went to our largest
>> Kroger, and couldn't find it. I looked with the cream cheese, with
>> the ricotta, and with the deli cheese.
>> I plan to check Super WalMart and another grocery store.
> It's gotten easier to find in larger towns/cities, but can still be
> difficult to obtain in smaller areas. Do you have an Italian market near
> you at all? Here, they sell it at Von's and Ralph's, in the specialty
> cheeses near the deli.
> Cannoli is often made with ricotta, so if you can't find it, that should
> make a good substitute.
> If you were making something like tiramisu, where the mascarpone is
> integral, I would recommend ordering it if you can't find it.
> kimberly
Cannoli are ALWAYS made with ricotta cheese. Traditional sicilian recipe is