Gunpowder green
ah2323 wrote:
> At my workplace, the kitchenettes have special
> faucets that dispense 190 degree water. I don't know if it's filtered
> in any way, and I know purists insist that you have to heat the water
> from a cold temp, but this water produces the best tea I've ever tasted
> outside of really nice Chinese/Japanese restaurants.
Hot water dispensers are generally for potable water, to make instant
coffee, cocoa, tea or whatever, and I'm sure the ones at your workplace
are no different.
The one at my workplace puts out anywhere between 165F and 185F
depending on various factors beyond my knowledge. But for English
Breakfast I just finish the cup in the microwave for 30 seconds, and
for delicate greens I let the water stand a few minutes until the
temperature goes down ... I've got a thermometer to let me know when
it's in the right range. Sometimes, I also dispense a little cold
water into the cup before topping it off with hot, to help bring the
temp down quicker.
I'll brew another pot of ambiguity.