Chocolate is good for the geezers
.... of the male persuasion at least... or so they say... And, no, this
is not an April-fool joke...
Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:411-417.
Cocoa Intake, Blood Pressure, and Cardiovascular Mortality
The Zutphen Elderly Study
Brian Buijsse, MSc; Edith J. M. Feskens, PhD; Frans J. Kok, PhD; Daan
Kromhout, PhD
Small, short-term, intervention studies indicate that cocoa-containing
foods improve endothelial function and reduce blood pressure. We studied
whether habitual cocoa intake was cross-sectionally related to blood
pressure and prospectively related with cardiovascular mortality.
In a cohort of elderly men, cocoa intake is inversely associated with
blood pressure and 15-year cardiovascular and all-cause mortality.