Have we seen the last of Murray
st.helier wrote:
> "Joe "Beppe"Rosenberg", illegally quoting Reuters, wrote...
>>J. Murray Fefferman, worlds oldest winesalesman,
>>has been captured????
> NEWSFLASH - Dateline 06/1/4 Nagorno-Karabakh
> Read on a T-shirt worn by Chairman of the Liberal Party of Azerbaijan, Lala
> Shovkat Haciyeva -
> Hold J. Murray -
> Help is on the way !
Indeed, it is high time -- nay, it is *past* time -- to take some
forceful action in support of the legendary JMF. Might I propose that
we hold the First Annual "Free Murray" charity wine tasting and auction.
I pledge to donate my entire suppply of '29 Yquem in support of this
noble cause.
Mark Lipton
Always willing to come to the aid of my fellow cork dorks