Stocking the spice cabinet..
In article >, Steve Wertz
> writes:
> (PENMART01) wrote:
(Carnivore269) writes:
>>>Things I cannot do without:
>>>Dried dill X
>>>Dried parsley leaf X
>The above two add color, but not much (or any) flavor when dried.
>>>Dried Celery leaf X
>>>Dried Basil X
>>>Rosemary X
>>>Garlic Powder X
>>>Onion Powder X
>>>Dried minced onions X
>>>Salt free Lemon Pepper
>>>Mixed peppercorns
>>>Comino (Cumin)
>>>Chili powder
>>>Oregano X
>>>Tarragon X
>>>Thyme X
>>I see you're not much into spices, all those I "X"ed are herbs.
>Get it through your thick, anal skull: spices include herbs. Moron.
Ask yer whoring momma, even she knows herbs ain't spices. Imbecile *******.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."