On 4 Apr 2006 12:35:46 -0700, "DBurch" > wrote:
>Jack wrote:
>> In the 19th century, the Belair Rd. corridor found in the northeast
>> section of the city had 19 breweries! All on one road! Each brewery
>> had its own beer garden. They were located there because of proximity
>> to the nearby grain farms outside the city line, and the malt
>> warehouses in the southeast portion of the city.
>> Beer apparenty ruled in the 19th century. Belair Rd.'s still there;
>> the breweries ain't.
>> Man, I was born 100 years too late.
>Yeah, but how many "driving (buggy) under the influence" or "drunk
>(buggy) driver accidents" were there in that area at that time?
Blame it on the horsies.