Menu and recipe questions
Saying that you need recipes for a diabetic doesn't give us much useful
information. There's enormous variation in what's appropriate from one
diabetic to the next. Many (not all) diabetics can eat any food as long
as they get the right variety and measured amounts. So you could make a
wildly sugary rich dessert and serve whole bowls full to the rest of the
family while giving only a spoonful to the diabetic.
Next you have to supply information on what the folks who aren't on the
special diet like to eat. I wouldn't say that special food for
diabetics is all that unpalateable. A broiled steak, steamed broccoli,
brown rice and some perfect strawberries makes a perfectly good meal
that almost anyone on all sorts of diets can eat. I suppose there's
someone who would hate it, but in general, you prepare it without salt
and have salt shakers on the table for those who like it. Someone
watching their fat intake has only a small portion of the steak. The
strawberries might have to much sugar so those watching sugar intake
measure that.
I'm in the habit of cooking for special diets any time I have guests
just as a matter of convenience and even if no one is on a special diet.
Get in the habit of serving sauces and dressings on the side. That
includes the whipped cream or sabayon sauce for the fresh fruit for
dessert. Never use salt in the kitchen but have it available on the
table. For salads, serve lettuce in one bowl and all the extras like
avocado, grated carrots and cabbage and sliced tomatoes on a platter on
the side. I try to avoid having only one item on the table at a time.
For example, I serve salad together with soup. That way, if someone
wants both, they can have both. If someone can have only one and not
the other, they're not stuck looking at an empty plate while others are
Kevin & Amanda wrote:
> Hello Everyone: All of you have some great recipes and cooking
> suggestions. I want to ask those of you who cook the meals for more
> than one person how you handle the meal making and recipes when at least
> one of the people eating is on a special diet ( low salt or low fat or
> diabetic ETC )? Do any of you have any recipes for diabetics that
> people who are not diabetic will also eat? I have some internet
> friends who are diabetic and I also have an internet friend who is a
> gourmet cook. The gourmet cook told me that he would try to come up
> with some recipes but so far he only has one dessert recipe. He said
> that it is hard to come up with recipes that diabetics not only can have
> but will want to have because they taste good. Thank you. Have a
> nice night. Amanda