I thought this was a cooking ng.
In article >,
"limey" > wrote:
> >>
> >> Dude!!! Chicken Paprikash!! You just gave me tonight's supper idea!
> >> Thanks. Oh, yeah, baby!
> >>
> >> -Barb
> >
> > Recipe please, Barb?
> >
> > Dora
> Oops - didn't read down the thread far enough. Thanks, Barb.
> Dora
Hey, thank Eva. Actually, Bubba Vic. I had a recipe that purported to
be Eva's but I figured hell would freeze over before she'd use canned
mushrooms as that recipe called for -- Bubba Vic (I'm pretty sure it was
he) pointed me to Eva's recipe.
And in about 10 minutes I need to get off my duff and get to suppah.
<http://jamlady.eboard.com> Updated 4-2-06, Church review #11
"If it's not worth doing to excess, it's not worth doing at all."