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cwdjrxyz[_1_] cwdjrxyz[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 64
Default Cockroach Infested Restaurant in Aussie

Henry wrote:
> I've had most discusting experiance ever! I ate a meal at The Mill
> Restaurant belonging to The Tuscany Wine Estate in the Huner Valley in New
> South Wales, Australia. Not only were the prices ludicrous, but as I went
> to pay the account, I saw a whole lot of cockroaches on the kitchen
> counter! This place is marketed as a "fine dining" establishment. The only
> things that were dining finely were the cockroaches. I would certainly hope
> that someone in that country has some sort of control over the health
> standards. I certainly warn anyone thinking of a holiday in Australia to
> stay away from that place.

Did you investigate to see if they were ordinary roaches or the large
hissing Oriental roaches? A highly rated restaurant should have the
higher quality hissing roaches. There was even a story on TV recently
that showed how some designer had decorated hissing roaches and
fastened little threads to them so they could be worn by a lady as a
very original type of jewelery. The attached threads kept the hissing
roaches from moving very far. Hissing roaches have long been sold in
some pet stores in the US as unusual pets. Perhaps you should return to
the restaurant and see if the roaches are large and will hiss. If so,
you might want to post an apology to the restaurant. Who knows - the
chef may have seen the same TV story I saw, and was inspired to
decorate certain special dishes with hissing roaches attached to plates
with threads.

I noticed it is April 1, but your post date was still in March.