I thought this was a cooking ng. - with a recipe
In article >,
Yeff > wrote:
> On Thu, 06 Apr 2006 17:06:57 -0500, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> >> One thing I found out was that beets not cooked until done do not have the
> >> earthy taste (at least these didn't).
> >
> > Boiled dirt.
> I meant to tell you this a long time ago...
> I was in a grocery store with my mom and we were talking about the
> different foods family members liked and disliked. I asked if anyone in
> the family liked beets and she mentioned my older sister. Than she
> opined that eating beets was exactly like eating dirt. I immediately
> thought of you.
See? Validation. Like I needed it. "-)
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