May be very, very old Madeira.... maybe not
A friend of my wife gave us some information about two bottles of Madeira
that were found among some things that had been stored by her recently
deceased grandfather. These could be very, very old. If they are what they
seem to be, the bottles are well over 100 years old. I thought there might
be some here with an educated guess of what they may be.
I have not seen the bottles myself, so these are notes passed along from the
One bottle is labeled: Fanal Fine Maderia Wine sercial ...... vintage
1874. Bottled & Exported by Uniao Vinicola Funchal - origin 1860; Island of
The other reads: Madeira Wine..... Very Old..... Camara de Lobos....
1881.... Luiz Gomez Da Conceicao Fqs Lda - Est. 1868.
What little of the wording I was able to Google ties these to just what they
appear to be.... bottles of wine from Madeira. But could they really be 130
and 125 years old respectively?? My wife has pictures of the bottles on her
cell phone and I supposed I could text them to my e-mail address and post
them somewhere if anyone's interested.