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Default Scratches on the inside of AllClad LTD stainless steel

On 5 Oct 2003 07:26:20 -0700, (Allister) wrote:

>Does anyone have any suggestions on any products that I could use to
>polish these up so I can get them back the way they were? I'm
>guessing that people do this every now and again to keep them in good
>Thanks again for useful information anyone might post.

This being the usenet world, no doubt there are some that do. Many of
us prefer to spend our time cooking with them.

As remarked, unless you have "scratches" applied with an axe, they
will have no impact on the use of the AlClad (for cooking, anyway).
Note that after you achieve a high polish, you should refrain from
using metal spoons, whisks, or other metal utensils in contact with
the finish. (Perhaps a coat of automotive wax would also help make
them easier to dust.)

Any metal products supply house can point you to a series of abrasives
that will run from a mat finish through a mirror. I suggest the use
of a slowspeed power tool to help speed the polishing. Stainlees is
hard and it will take a good deal of elbow grease to bring them to a
mirror finish. For light duty, products such as Simichrome will help.