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Default Menu and recipe questions

"Kevin & Amanda" > wrote in message
> Hello Everyone: All of you have some great recipes and cooking
> suggestions. I want to ask those of you who cook the meals for more
> than one person how you handle the meal making and recipes when at least
> one of the people eating is on a special diet ( low salt or low fat or
> diabetic ETC )? Do any of you have any recipes for diabetics that
> people who are not diabetic will also eat? I have some internet
> friends who are diabetic and I also have an internet friend who is a
> gourmet cook. The gourmet cook told me that he would try to come up
> with some recipes but so far he only has one dessert recipe. He said
> that it is hard to come up with recipes that diabetics not only can have
> but will want to have because they taste good. Thank you. Have a
> nice night. Amanda

I'm not going to field desserts specifically as I don't make/eat dessert.
But: Cooking for a diabetic is not exactly informative. Many diabetics can
eat an awful lot of (regular) foods, but in moderation. It may be helpful to
specify if there are any other health problems in addition to the diabetes.
It would also be helpful to add the type of diabetes the person(s) has/have.
Are they insulin dependent?
Because diabetes is a disease whose cause is really unknown, there are many
things that can be 'blamed' on it. For example, a relative of mine has
diabetes-mild-and he blames it on many years of drinking hard booze-the
alcohol turning into sugar and poisoning the body(he also has a history of
it in his family). Is he correct? Who knows.
This drivvel is listed here for a reason: are your diabetic friends allowed
to consume alcohol(wine in a sauce for example)? If not, you have to adjust
any sauces accordingly. DON'T substitute non-alcoholic wine-it is nasty.
You may wish to get into the habit of serving dressings, sauces, etc, on the
side. You may wish to give the person a list of ingredients when serving
something to them and letting them decide.
I don't cook with sugar or salt(except for fresh dressings-leaving either
out ruins it usually). Both are available on the table however.
Best advise is to get an idea as to what restrictions the people have and
adjust accordingly.
There are numerous websites that reccommend substitutes for something that a
person cannot have.