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Wayne Boatwright
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Default Healthy recipes post bypass operation?

"jmcquown" > wrote in

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> "Bob (this one)" > wrote in
>> :
>>> MurphAssoc wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> First let me say I have found so many wonderful recipes over the
>>>> years, that this is the first place I turned to to find out from
>>>> all the knowledgeable folks who post here, the best source for
>>>> heart healthy recipes? Thanks, in advance,
>>>> Judith
>>> How post-operation are we talking? If it's not long after, you'll
>>> want a lot of protein so your body can repair itself. After a
>>> serious
>>> trauma, protein is the most important macronutrient, and a bypass is
>>> a most serious trauma, indeed. Mine was.
>>> Pastorio

>> Bob, my SO is having triple bypass surgery later next week. Not
>> personally knowing anyone who has undergone such surgery, can you
>> give us any progression of recovery stages that he might expect? He
>> is 55.
>> Thanks,
>> Wayne

> I can tell you, a friend of my had this done in January and it took a
> couple of months to recover completely. If your SO sticks to what the
> doctors recommend he'll be fine and dandy. He's now out and about
> doing all the things he used to do. Just make sure your SO continues
> to take whatever meds are required and not over-do. The doc can tell
> your SO what is okay and what isn't.
> Jill

Thanks, Jill. All good points! We have a final consultation with the
surgeon on Tuesday, so I'm sure that much of this will be covered.
