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Bob (this one)
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Default shopping trip - low carb

MisNomer wrote:

> So, I go to safeway to get some whole wheat flour, and fresh yeast, a fellow was
> there right near the flour. He says, "I'm looking for low carb flour"... so,
> thinking he was being funny I laughed and said "I wonder what low carb flour is
> - air? The guy looked at me all disgusted and walked away.

This will be with us far a while. Like people calling my radio program
asking for non-fat Alfredo recipes and eggless custards, but not fake
stuff for all the years that low-fat was THE answer. We have a new THE

> oh well, I picked up the flour and the yeast - both of which were almost half
> price! But on getting home - I am thinking what do they use to make "low carb"
> stuff out of? Anything I have seen advertised "low carb" is full of stuff I
> haven't heard of or its all really small things.

There are such things as "destarched" wheat flour, protein isolates
(from wheat, milk, soy, etc.), soy flour, flaxmeal, low-glycemic corn
starch and a lot of other things that make a bread-looking loaf.
Mostly they're not as good as one would hope.

> Is there such thing as low carb bread?

Low is in the eye of the beholder. There are breads that tout 6 or 7
net grams carb per slice (total carbs minus fiber = net carbs).
They're whole wheatish in appearance and texture, for the most part.
Best toasted.
