Cooking "cheats" for the time challenged...
Julia Altshuler > wrote in message news:<GjOfb.682839$Ho3.145955@sccrnsc03>...
> I'm not sure if this one counts since it doesn't save time as much as it
> moves it to a more convenient place.
> When I get home from the supermarket with a week's worth of produce,
> even if I haven't planned what I mean to use each carrot or onion for, I
> wash and slice everything. I get out the cuisinart, peel and slice all
> the onions, put them in a plastic bag, rinse the cuisinart and repeat
> for the carrots, broccoli, and the rest of the vegetables. The only
> things I don't prep ahead of time are the things that change color or
> get seriously grotty.
That would save a lot of time during the work week. ;-)
I've never thought of pre-cutting onions which is why I use dried
minced a lot.
How long do bagged onions last in the 'frige? Yellow, white or purple
I'd like to try this since I want to cook with more onions.
As for carrots, I just buy the baby ones. <G>
> When it is time to cook, all I have to do is reach into the fridge for
> the vegetables. I consider this a nutrition trick as well since I'm
> more likely to cook with more vegetables if I don't have to wash a knife
> and cutting board each time I use them.
Agreed, but I would probably not pre-cut squashes. I cut them in about
1" chunks anyway so that takes very little time. And I'm just cooking
for two.
> Black beans are easy when the
> onions, celery, carrots and peppers are ready to throw in. Soups take
> almost no time when it is only a matter of defrosting stock and tossing
> in the precut vegetables.
Do you make your own stock on the weekends? We used to save bones and
make bone stock when we got a pressure cooker full.
> Next trick: Use V-8 juice and orange juice for curry tomato soup stock.
> --Lia
And chili! ;-)