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wff_ng_7 wff_ng_7 is offline
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Posts: 743
Default Adventures in Meat Grinding

"Pete C." > wrote:
> The main reason for grinding your own meats isn't so much to get the
> exact grind or amount of fat, it's mostly a function of time. All the
> surfaces of the meat that are exposed to the air begin to oxidize and
> clearly once ground there is a lot more surface area exposed to this
> oxidation. When you grind right before cooking you greatly limit this
> oxidation.

But isn't that what carbon monoxide treatment is for? ;-)

I guess the carbon monoxide treatment is more aimed at controlling color, as
it gets locked in. The meat remains saleable longer if it looks red. The
technique is directed at whole cuts of beef though, rather than ground beef.
Some ground beef isn't even sold in transparent packaging. I would have a
problem buying one of those big "logs" of ground beef in the white plastic
wrap with ground beef "artwork" on it, not knowing what it actually looked
like. But I'm never buying such large quantities anyway, so it's a moot

( #wff_ng_7# at #verizon# period #net# )