Trip Report
~TD wrote:
> Hello all. I'm spanking new to the sourdough scene. ..
HI TD congrats on getting your starter going.
I'd say you still aren't feeding enough. Either triple the volume three
times a day or as I'm doing at the moment, and I'm really pleased with
it, I'm multiplying by 5 or 6 twice a day. Some might gasp at this as
they did when I said a tripled three times a day but it works great for
my starter. I found it best at batter consistency but to be honest I
prefer handling a dryer starter so I make it at this consistency for
just one of the feeds. With this increase you really don't want to be
keeping too much starter as you can go from just a couple of teaspoons
to two kilos of bread in 36 hours. I love this method. It's quick and
tasty. : -)