sf > wrote in message >. ..
> On 4 Oct 2003 20:48:25 -0700,
> (Carnivore269) wrote:
> >
> > Sorry hon', I was not answering YOU specifically, but the thread in
> > general when it went ethnic. ;-)
> >
> > Did not mean to attack anyone, just the general attitude.
> > I live in South Texas, just a couple of hours away from Mexico. There
> > is a house just 3 doors down from me that is over 60 years old, has no
> > central air or heat, has a collapsing roof and I'm told by someone
> > that has been IN the house that the floor is collapsing too. The
> > living conditions are less than ideal
> >
> > It is lived in by a family of 10 mexicans, including young children.
> > The older adults all have rotting teeth... It is cheap rent. I wish I
> > could help them... :-(
> >
> No way to do it through the Texas department of public
> health or medicade?
They might break up the family and take the kids... :-(
They might be better off, but would it be the right thing to do?
The children seem healthy enough, (we have VERY good and active food
in this area so nobody starves) and they go to school. There is
another house down the way with a sign in the front yard that says
"free clothes every Friday".
I give them all my unwanted clothing since they give them away for
Medicade does not pay for dental care. Neither does the VA.