Steeping tea in milk
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Michael Plant
external usenet poster
Posts: 509
Steeping tea in milk
>> Hello all,
>> Does anyone know if steeping your tea directly in heated milk (i.e. no
>> water involved in the process) will affect it's infusion? Will using
>> milk only decrease the amount of "goodstuffs" (for lack of a better
>> word... and knowledge) that's extracted from the tea leaves?
>> Thanks.
> Let me preface this by saying I have never tried this and am not an
> expert or chemistry-type person... but, I would think it would not
> steep well. It would seem to me that the type of milk would be
> important. Skim would most likely produce better results of all the
> types of milk. I would think the fat content would inhibit steeping to
> some degree.
Buffalo, and boil the shit out of it!
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Michael Plant
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