Danny, recently sent me an email saying my Jian wasn't correct. This
wasn't the first time and won't be the last for my character gaffs.
Danny is gracious enough to let me know. With his permission this is
his correction:
¼þ jian4 aka Ö§ zhi1
PS I'm not sure of the bundle count. I'd have to buy a Jian off a
mule to find out.
Space Cowboy wrote:
> Danny,Lew,Mike,anybody
> This is my character for Tong Ͳ which is a tube or cylinder.
> This is my character for Jian ¼í which is a bundle of eight (not 6 or
> 12).
> Jim
> Mike Petro wrote:
> > Although I am missing Tong and Jian, I will add them this weekend.
> > A tong is seven cakes wraped in a bundle.
> > A Jian is 6 tongs, often packed in a bamboo basket.
> >
> > Also, Babelcarp is a great resource where you type in a tea term and
> > spits out the translation:
> > http://www.panix.com/~perin/babelcarp.html
> >
> > Mike
> > http://www.pu-erh.net