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Default Holiday-themed lunch for group


I'll be hosting a group of about 6 women, on a weekend in early
December, for a holiday-themed luncheon. For what it's worth, the
"bar" for this luncheon has been set fairly high by some of the other
members. I am a little nervous because I rarely prepare and serve
group meals.

I would appreciate suggestions for a menu and recipes, that:

--As much as possible, can be made ahead
--Has an elegant touch
--Has one vegetarian option (one of the members is vegetarian, but I
don't think the whole meal needs to be vegetarian simply because she

I would also be very grateful for suggestions on how to store the
made-ahead items, and serving tips. Especially serving tips! For
example, I have space to set out a buffet, but don't know the smartest
way to set one out.
