Thread: Trip Report
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TG[_2_] TG[_2_] is offline
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Default Trip Report

~TD wrote:
> TG, Thanks for the advice! I ....> I need to do more experimenting with my stone. I know how to use it
> for Pizza but don't understand how to do bread without burning the
> bottom.

Hi TD,
You're welcome, I'm glad it worked well for you. This way of feeding
the starter has made a huge improvement in my bread. : -)

I took some inspiration from Mr Adams a while ago and I don't use a
sponge anymore. I feed the final dough with around the same proportion
of starter as I suggested for feeding the starter. It works great for
my taste. It works out to around 1.5 cups of starter to 5 or 6 cups of
flour. (Assuming you use a batter type starter). (20-25% inoculation) I
also took inspiration from the proofing times and proof for around 12
hours too. I don't knock the dough back these days as it seems to make
the dough lighter and taste batter. Give it a shot on part of the dough
and see what you think. Good luck. Oh, when you're confident with the
method you can try retarding the dough. I find this works better for me
with my schedule.

About the stone. Don't worry about it for now. A growing number of us
don't bother. I use cornmeal on a cookie sheet. Woks fine and I love
the taste.