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Default How to get smell of fingers

kilikini had something important to tell us on Mon, 29 Mar 2004
13:50:53 GMT:

>I made a double-stuffed potato for the soon-to-be hubby last night and diced
>up some chives for some color to top off the 'tater. My fingers *still*
>smell like chives and I've washed them and washed them. The same thing
>happens to me when I peel garlic. It's at the point where the smell is just
>nauseating. Garlic or chive odor will stay on my fingers for up to 4 days
>after I handle them.
>Is there any way to get rid of it? HELP ME PLEASE!

I always find that a freshly cut lemon is the best deoderant for
hands... cut it in half and rub it over your hands (I hope you don't
have any cuts or it's going to be ouchy!) Then wash them with soap and
you'll find they smell like lemon oil instead...

I won't use fresh garlic because I don't want to stink up the house -
if you buy it prechopped in a jar it works just fine with no odour.
~Karen AKA Kajikit
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