is a list of times for beans to be cooked in a pressure cooker.
I have read that adzuki beans are close to urad dal in timing for the
pressure cooker, and it says in the above article that unsoaked adzuki's are
cooked about 20-22 minutes. I don't cook unsoaked adzuki's more than 1/2
hour on top of the stove until they are done.
The recipes I find for pressure cooking whole urad dal just say to 'cook
until done.'
Anyone know how long that might be -- from experience. I guess that I could
just pressure cook for 20 minutes, then finish off the cooking the regular
Also, does anyone have any comments about soaking or not soaking when it
comes to pressure cooking? The only reason I want to pressure cook is to
eliminate the over-night or day presoak. (Don't like the lifting and
draining part.)
Thanks a lot.
Dee Dee