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Kurt Gavin Kurt Gavin is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 33
Default Prepare the way for the LORD...

"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" > wrote in message
> Kurt Gavin wrote:
>> Andrew - write in to those shows for a guest appearance and use them as a
>> platform for "glowing" to millions.

> The LORD guides me in everything I say, do, and write.
>> It could be the start of something big.

> What is possibly in our future as seen in the prophetic vision of the
> future given to John during his exile in Patmos will be big (Revelation
> 6:14).
>> "Darth Vader" Hildner will be in awe....

> All will be in awe...
> In the interim, you will remain in my prayers, dear Kurt whom I love in
> Jesus' infinitely powerful and most holy name.

No prayers - thank you very much.
I'm healthy and looking forward to a summer of mountain hiking, and don't
want to become ill from prayer like those test subjects in that recent
medical study.

You better start thinking about what you're praying to....

You are worshipping an imposter satanic entity (jesus). That is why those
people in the praying study got sicker, that you got that nose bleed, and
that your mind is going.

You must worship Yahweh only, otherwise you are condemned to agony for all
time. Remember Yahweh's commandment about not having any other gods before
him. If you kneel before the cross, you defy Yahweh.

"" God spoke all these words, saying: I am God your Lord, who brought you
of Egypt, from the place of slavery. Do not have any other gods before Me.
Do not represent [such] gods by any carved statue or picture of anything in
the heaven above, on the earth below, or in the water below the land. Do not
bow down to [such gods] or worship them. I am God your Lord, a God who
demands exclusive worship. """"

That couldn't be plainer.