Holiday-themed lunch for group
Dave Smith wrote:
> DP wrote:
> >
> > I would appreciate suggestions for a menu and recipes, that:
> >
> > --As much as possible, can be made ahead
> > --Has an elegant touch
> > --Has one vegetarian option (one of the members is vegetarian, but I
> > don't think the whole meal needs to be vegetarian simply because she
> > is).
> How about a relish tray with olives, pickles, radishes etc. That should
> take care of the vegetarian.
As long as she doesn't expect to eat much!
> Sorry, but people who adopt fad diets can't expect to be catered to in
> group situations. Most vegetarians cheat and sneak meat once in a while,
> so they might as well come clean and partake in flesh when being
> entertained
You are assuming it's a fad diet. Many vegetarians are
life-long avoiders of meat, or are on a diet prescribed for
health or religious reasons. Assuming it's a "fad" is
presumtuous and unkind.
> I did Coquilles St. Jacques the other day and they were incredibly easy,
> and not at all time consuming.
Delicious, but not something you want to do while your guests
are waiting, however. She needs something she can do ahead
and cook or reheat that morning. Coquilles might fit that
description, but many poeple don't like fish or shellfish.
I suggest some kind of casserole like Turkey Tetrazzini,
something creamy and rich containing meat, pasta and
mushrooms, or a luxurious homemade soup (lobster bisque?),
a pretty bowl with green salad plus rolls or croissants.
Dessert could be a tiny scoop of an exotic sherbet/sorbet
with a nice assortment of cookies.
Presentation on a buffet can be as easy as your best
serving pieces (or you can rent them!) plus seasonal
flowers scattered on the cloth or small pots of flowers,
less costly than cut flower bouquets. Dried flowers
or evergreen greenery cut from the garden works, too.
gloria p