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Julia Altshuler
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Default How to get smell off fingers

kilikini wrote:

> In other words, if I do walk to the store, I'll pick up those items and
> another potato to see if this works in full. Cut chives, use stainless
> steel, wait an hour or so, use baking soda, finish up with a nice lemon
> twist.

A thought: Don't combine the baking soda with the lemon. I talked this
over with my boyfriend today. I don't know enough chemistry to be sure
why the baking soda works. He thought it might absorb odors by being a
dessicant, by drying them out. I thought it had to do with the baking
soda being a mild base. If that's it, then don't combine it with lemon
which is a mild acid. They'd cancel each other out.
