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Wayne Boatwright
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Default How to get smell of fingers

"leebee" > wrote in

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> "leebee" <> wrote :
>>> kilikini wrote:
>>>>>> I made a double-stuffed potato for the soon-to-be hubby last
>>>>>> night and diced up some chives for some color to top off the
>>>>>> 'tater. My fingers *still* smell like chives and I've washed
>>>>>> them and washed them. The same thing happens to me when I peel
>>>>>> garlic. It's at the point where the smell is just nauseating.
>>>>>> Garlic or chive odor will stay on my fingers for up to 4 days
>>>>>> after I handle them.
>>>>>> Is there any way to get rid of it? HELP ME PLEASE!
>>> I use one of those ( gimmicky, you'd think ) stainless steel stones.
>>> I don't know or care why, but they do work ...

>> Would a stainless steel pot work just as well?

> I guess so ?
> Mine is just shaped like an egg ( but flatter, and with a pointed tip
> for getting under fingernails ), so it's easy to use, like soap. A
> pot might be more cumbersome
> Here's a URL to something like mine ( but without the pointy
> fingernail bit, which I really recommend
> )

Thanks. I've never seen this one before, although I think I have seen
one like yours with the pointed tip.

The smell of curry stays on my fingers moreso than onion or garlic.
Perhaps it would work for that, too.


> --
> Never explain--
> your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you
> anyway.