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Thaddeus L Olczyk Thaddeus L Olczyk is offline
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Posts: 35
Default A healthier Wendy's Spicy Chicken ( batter of baked chicken ).

On 20 Apr 2006 06:28:02 -0700, "Yogi Gupta" >

>The reason to use egg white is because it is almost all protein so the
>stuff would stick to it. Why not try just buttermilk. Buttermilk is
>high enough in protein.

In the end my question comes down to, what can you use to get
flour/bread crumbs/whatever stick to chicken ( or meat in general )
to make a crust. I'm pretty sure that buttermilk would work, but won't
it give the chicken a sour taste?
Thaddeus L. Olczyk, PhD
Think twice, code once.