Chookie > wrote in
> In article >,
> "Ms Leebee" > wrote:
>> I remember going to US sporting events. You order your 'nachos' (
>> read: cardboard tray of warmed corn chips ), then head over to the
>> 'condiment stand' where you squirt cold cheese sauce on them ( right
>> next to the ketchup and mustard squirty bottles ). I only ordered
>> them once
> Yecch! Did you find any good food over there?
There are good food sources over there. It's just you *really* have to
look for them.
Problem is...... you go to the States for a visit..... you lock into the
'fast food' way of things.
I've done the same(on short visits). It's a *very* bloody convenient
avenue in the hustle and bustle.
In the 12 months I lived there, I did a *lot* of BBQ's and home cooked
meals/dinner parties. The Yanks were very suprised at the fact that
a) they could get good fresh food that tasted like real food, and
b) a guy was cooking for them (that wasn't ***!!).
BTW.......... *anyone* that goes to a Taco Bell has to be eliminated.