Well, change it ;-). Anyone could as well use Zhongwen for the Pinyin
or English but how many characters would you get for cake,brick,bowl
not related to Puer?
Lewis Perin wrote:
> "Space Cowboy" > writes:
> > Use http://www.panix.com/~perin/babelcarp.html for Chinese tea
> > terms. Puer can also be thought of in architectural terms. Look up
> > the character for cake, brick, or bowl.
> Thanks for the plug, Jim, but the original poster should be warned
> that English words like cake, brick, or bowl aren't defined in
> Babelcarp; their Chinese equivalents are.
> /Lew
> ---
> Lew Perin /
> http://www.panix.com/~perin/babelcarp.html