Take a penny/Leave a penny
"Dave Smith" > wrote:
> I prefer the stores who round off in my favour. Why should we count on
> people
> dumping their loose change to make things easier and faster for the store.
> Let
> them put their own change in the take a penny tray when they could just
> round it
> off in your favour?
What really annoys the cashiers in supermarkets is paying exact change.
Because I don't have slots in my pockets to separate all the different coins
like they do in the registers, it invariably takes me longer to pay exact
change than to get change back. But I was getting overwhelmed with excess
change if I didn't do that. Now I'm buying my newspapers out of a street
box, and it's going the other way. I'm using more change there than I'm
getting elsewhere... excluding pennies, of course! ;-)
( #wff_ng_7# at #verizon# period #net# )