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OmManiPadmiOmelet OmManiPadmiOmelet is offline
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Posts: 233
Default Take a penny/Leave a penny

Stan Horwitz wrote:

> In article >, Andy <q> wrote:
>>"DWACON" > wrote in
>>>"Andy" <q> wrote in message
>>>>A lot of the small markets and gas/7-11s have a take a penny/leave a
>>>>dish, where if you're a cent or two short you can take a couple cents
>>>>out of the tray to meet the cost if you're a few cents shy.
>>>>I use it and contribute to it all time.
>>>>Anybody else familiar with this practice?
>>>I've seen people grab a hand full of coins out of it to pay for
>>>something. Typically, they are the psychotic looking whakos... and
>>>they get away with it.

>>I don't suppose you've ever flipped a begger a quarter when asked? I
>>support them too, no questions asked. The ultimate public service! Where
>>it ends up, I don't care. Ever had a quarter that you seriously couldn't
>>part with?

> You're doing those beggers no favor. A lot of them use their money to
> buy cheap cigarettes or booze. If you want to help out the homeless,
> donate to a soup kitchen. If you don't believe me, offer the next begger
> you see the choice of buying him or her a cup of hot coffee and a donut
> or to get the money directly. Guess which choice the person will make?

Oh I dunno... I once saw a beggar holding a sign that said "dreaming of
a hamburger". I went to the McDonalds in the back of the Wal-mart and
bought a burger, fries and coke and gave those to him. The change (about
$3.00) was also in the bag. He seemed happy and was not there 15 minutes

$3.00 might buy ciggies, but it won't buy booze.

Trust your feelings. If I get no "reading" from a panhandler, I won't
give them any money. If I feel real sadness/desperation from them, I'll
give them at least $5.00. More if I can afford it.
