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Terry Pulliam Burd
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Default I need some new Passover recipes

I'm not Jewish, but I was once invited to a Passover Seder (seder?)
and scrambled around to find an offering to bring. I made potato
latkes and they turned out to be amazing - I make them regularly:

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Potato Latkes


4 medium potatoes; peeled
2 large yellow onions
4 large eggs; lightly beaten
1/3 cup matzo meal
2 teaspoons salt
pepper; to taste
3/4 cup peanut oil

Using medium shredding blade of food processor, grate the potatoes,
laying them horizontally in the feed tube to maximize the strand
length. Grate the onions on top of the potatoes. The onions will turn
to mush and their juices will help keep the potatoes from turning

Lay a clean dishtowel inside a large bowl and transfer the grated
mixture into the towel. Roll the towel lengthwise and wring out as
much liquid as possible (you can do this over the bowl, discarding the
liquid, or right over the sink). Depending on the size of the towel,
you may have to do this in batches.

Transfer the grated mixture to a mixing bowl. Add the eggs, matzo
meal, salt and pepper; mix well.

In a large cast-iron or nonstick skillet, pour about 1/8" of oil and
heat on medium high. The oil is hot enough when a piece of potato
sizzles when added. Form a trial latke with a tablespoon of the
mixture. Fry until golden brown on both sides. Taste and, if needed,
add salt and pepper to the potato mixture.

To form the latkes, scoop up about 1/2 C. of the mixture with your
hands and loosely pat it into a pancake about 1/2" thick, leaving a
few straggly strands along the edge. (As you work, liquid will
accumulate in the bowl. Squeeze out the excess. The last couple of
latkes may need a really firm squeeze.) after shaping each latke, slip
it into the hot oil and flatten it gently with the back of a spatula.
Fry until deep golden brown, at least 5 mins. on each side to be sure
the center is fully cooked. If the edges darken very quickly, lower
the heat. To prevent excess oil absorption, flip each latke only once.
Add oil between batches as needed, making sure the oil heats up again
before frying more latkes. Drain on paper towels or a clean brown
paper bag. Serve immediately.

May be rejeated in a 300F oven. Set the latkes directly on the oven
rack and back 8 - 10 mins.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Contributor: Fine Cooking Magazine

Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd

"If the soup had been as hot as the claret, if the claret
had been as old as the bird, and if the bird's breasts had
been as full as the waitress', it would have been a very
good dinner." Anonymous.

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