Salmon and Scallops
Had one of those moments of lucidity last Friday and came up with the
following for supper.
Two fresh(?) salmon fillets about 1 inch by 3 wide by 6 long, four
large scallops thinly sliced and halved. Cut a pouch in the fillets
(akin a pita bread pouch). Sautéed the scallops with course salt,
pepper, oregano, minced garlic, shallots and fresh basil leaves all of
this in olive oil. When the scallops where done, I stuffed them into
the salmon pouches and placed them covered in the skillet on low heat,
sprinkled a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper over the salmon and went
to the the side dish.
Took one large yellow squash and one large zucchini and sliced them
very thin. Prepared some garlic, shallots, course salt, pepper and
some olive oil and sautéed everything for a while until the squash and
zucchini started to wilt.
Made a bed of baby spinach and placed the salmon fillets atop these in
the middle of the plate, and then spread the sautéed squash and
zucchinis around the spinach, then sprinkled a bit of tangerine/poppy
dressing over the whole thing and topped it off with a generous cup of
white wine.
My wife was very impressed and so was I.
Austin, TX