Rabbit in a rotisserie oven?
In article >, biig > wrote:
> My daughter-in-law bought two dressed rabbits from her local farmer's
> market today and wants to try to do them in her vertical electric
> rotisserie. She has had success with all kinds of roasts and chicken,
> but is apprehensive about doing the rabbits in it. Any hints about
> getting a good result..???? tia....Sharon
I haven't tried a vertical rotisserie but rabbit certainly lends itself
to horizontal spit-roasting. Like other light meat, it's enhanced with
garlic and rosemary. If you wrap it in some bacon, pancetta or salt
pork it will baste itself (it can be dry) as well as dribbling on some
port, marsala etc. The basting process allows you to cook it long enough
to be tender and still not dry it out. (It's also good Southern Fried)