I need some new Passover recipes
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Sheryl Rosen
Posts: n/a
I need some new Passover recipes
in article yjMac.156288$po.927457@attbi_s52, Julia Altshuler at
wrote on 3/31/04 10:49 PM:
> hahabogus wrote:
>> I'm not jewish either and have a burning question about matzo meal. I know
>> matzo is unleaven bread but what's in the unleaven it just flour
>> and water and perhaps some salt or oil...or what?
> Just flour and water, mixed and baked within a specified time period to
> prevent accidental leavening from wild yeasts in the air. When you
> taste it, you'll be underwhelmed. It tastes like a plain, dry cracker.
> Those of us with fond childhood memories of it love the stuff. Those
> without take a bite and shrug. It's not something that's so bad you'd
> spit it out, but it is awfully plain, and it's dry enough that you want
> a glass of something (wine, water) to wash it down.
> --Lia
Ever have a Carr's Water Cracker?
That's pretty much what matzo tastes like.
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