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Gary Woods Gary Woods is offline
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Posts: 24
Default Grain Mill choice?

I'm in need of replacing my beloved "Marathon Uni-Mill," destroyed in a
kitchen fire. I see that machine on the Bay place from time to time, but
I'm wondering about other options. "Magic Mill" seems to show up too, and
ISTR their bread machine mentioned here.
I basically need the mill for making the coarse-ground ingredients for
Poilane bread, and hopefully to get further afield as my carb budget
An aside: What kind of cruel cosmic joke is it that when I get interested
in making sourdough, and have some pretty good results, that carbs are no
longer my friend, and have to be rationed? It's a good excuse to share...

Gary Woods AKA K2AHC- PGP key on request, or at
Zone 5/6 in upstate New York, 1420' elevation. NY WO G