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Nancy Young[_1_] Nancy Young[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 1,734
Default My first dead spread

(apologies to those who find that term offensive)

We went to Las Vegas for my BIL's funeral and there it was ...
funeral food. I'd asked, what happens after the funeral? Are we
going out or something? Understand, the only person who lives there
is my SIL and she didn't have the room or the energy to host a whole
bunch of people from out of town.

My other SIL asked the reverend, he said, oh, we can do food.
So, for free, absolutely free (of course I thought of Dave Smith's wife)
they put out a bunch of food. I didn't take a very close look, but there
were sandwiches from somewhere, a big platter of them, plenty of fruit
and vegetable/dip platters. Kentucky Fried Chicken. A sheet cake and
a homemade cheescake type thing, that was so very good. Soda/coffee.

Anyway, I asked around, discreetly, who can I pay (okay, I didn't put it
that way, I was more polite), the answer was a firm NO. No matter how
I worded it, NO. Okay, I don't want to offend, still I feel funny eating
free food.

One woman was working behind the buffet, I said, I wanted to say how
very much we appreciate this fabulous spread of food, blah blah. She
answered me with impeccable southern manners (well, she did, I know it's
Las Vegas!) and said, we were Happy to do it, the choir considers Lyn
family etc etc.

Well, there you have it. Then, they insisted we take the food home. There
is only one home and no room there for the food, so it all went back to my
other SIL's suite. WOW, what a place they had. Just gorgeous, even to a
large private patio in front of a meandering (manmade) stream. It was
something. A Marriott Resort & Spa.

Anyway, the whole thing, from the funeral to the food, it was all so well
Heh, in the funeral, you know where they pick out hymns? One of the 'hymns'
was that 60s song about the GTO? So funny. Obviously my BIL was very
into cars and racing.
