I need some new Passover recipes
On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 12:48:38 -0500, Ben > wrote:
>\ If I want to know the perspective of Islam I'll ask one of their
>clerics - not a University Professor or a journalist or some scholastic book).
Which Muslim sect's clerics would you consult, as that could make
quite a difference in reply. And of course, withouth a central
religious authority, Imam's are judges unto themselves and you might
get 7 different answers from inquiring of 7 of them. All ulama have
the right to issue judgements, and though not legally binding, there
are those who shop around for an interpretation that appeals to them.
When you look for perspective on Jewish law, do you seek
interpretations of the various Chasid sects, or perhaps Orthodox,
Conservative, or Reform rabbinates? Do you feel that one is superior
to another for some reason?
Why do you assume that no one who has attained professorial rank is
capable of answering religious doctrine questions?